Set in World War II, Casino Tycoon chronicles the story of Benny, a young graduate played by Andy Lau, who flees Hong-Kong during the Japanese invasion and heads for gambling haven Macau. Once in Macau, he impresses a local business man who has ties to organised crime, he slowly builds his way up in the ranks of the Macau underworld which ultimately leads to trouble.
Andy Lau Tak-Wah
Ho Hsin / Benny
Joey Wong Cho-Yin
Vivian Cheng Le Erh
Alex Man Chi-Leung
Kuo Ying Nan
Paul Chun Pui
Wang Chang
Lau Siu-Ming
Nieh Ao Tien
Pau Hei-Ching
Hsin's Mother
Wong Yat-Fei
Dentist Ceng Zhi Wei
Kwan Hoi-San
Fu Lao Cha
Maria Tung Ling
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