Based on a novel of by Nukui Tokuro, Hohoemu Hito tells the story of Nito Toshimi who, after graduating from Japan’s most difficult university and founding a job at a major city bank, marries Shoko and have a daughter, Amina. Nito, while leading a life that looks like the picture of happiness and being the envy of everyone, is charged with the murder of his wife and young child. At his trial, he reveals a shocking motive for the crime: “I wanted space for books.”
Machiko Ono
Akira Kamoi
Tori Matsuzaka
Toshimi Nito
Yoji Tanaka
Koichi Takizawa
Namase Katsuhisa
Hajime Inoue
Ryohei Abe
Keijiro Kajiwara
Sora Tamaki
Kasumi (child)
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