In Search for Captain Grant
Lord and Lady Glenarvan found a bottle in the ocean. this bottle contained a letter from captain Grant that he and 2 of his sailors had survived a disaster in sea and need help. Unfortunately, the letter was damaged by water, and only latitude is known (37 degrees), but no longitude. The Glenarvans decide to find captain Grant.
Vladimir Gostyukhin
майор Мак-Наббс
Nikolay Eryomenko
лорд Гленарван
Oleg Shtefanko
капитан Джон Манглс
Lembit Ulfsak
Жак Паганель
Vladimir Smirnov
Жюль Верн
Tamara Akulova
леди Элен Гленарван
Gueorgui Stoyanov
Том Остин
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