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Des nouvelles du Nord

14 Dec 2007
92 min
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Benoit Pilon introduces us to those who live in the vast region more than a thousand kilometers northwest of Montreal, where, in the early 1970s, the massive James Bay project forever changed the landscape and people's lives. To carry out this mega-project, one village was created (Radisson) and another moved (Fort George, now known as Chisasibi). Though most of the workers have since gone home, some chose to stay. Radisson's inhabitants are still often tempted to move back down South, but many have developed imaginative ways of putting down roots. And while the Crees of Chisasibi look to the future, they also want to maintain their traditions, especially for the younger generation who are so attracted to the ease of modern life. But what with the hunting trips, going-away parties and still-vibrant customs, the residents of these two communities simply enjoy the Northern way of life.

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