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Buya Hamka Vol. I

19 Apr 2023
106 min
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The period when Hamka became a manager of Muhammadiyah in Makassar and successfully brought significant progress to the organization. Hamka also started writing literature for newspapers and his romance stories were well-liked by readers. Hamka and his family moved to Medan because he was appointed as the editor-in-chief of Pedoman Masyarakat magazine. This position caused Hamka to clash with the Japanese authorities, leading to the magazine being shut down as it was deemed dangerous. The Hamka family's life was also shaken when one of their children died due to illness. Hamka's efforts to approach the Japanese authorities were viewed as being sycophantic and met with hostility, resulting in him being asked to step down from his position as the manager of Muhammadiyah.




Reza Rahadian

H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto

Vino G. Bastian

Buya Hamka

Teuku Rifnu Wikana

Kariman Amin

Bima Azriel

Rusydi (young)

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Verdi Solaiman

Abdul Karim/ Oei Tjeng Hien

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