Torings (Towers) is a South African period drama television series created by Paul C. Venter as a sequel to his series Konings which continues to tell the story of the fierce and often bloody struggle between the Groenewald and Roodt families for control of the Superspaar company, placed in the context of the larger political post-Apartheid struggle in South Africa. The Konings/Torings saga is the story of the fierce and often bloody struggle between Dolf Groenewald (Dawid Minnaar) and Herman Roodt (Albert Maritz) for control of the Superspaar company, placed in the context of the larger political post-Apartheid struggle in South Africa. The eternal feud between the Groenewalds and Roodts becomes fiercer as Dolf recovers from his stroke and from the beginning is a threat for the Roodts
Marcel Van Heerden
Ricky Roodt
Anna-Mart van der Merwe
Rika Groenewald
Hannes van Wyk
Pieter Groenewald
Elzette Maarschalk
Santie Roodt
Albert Maritz
Herman Roodt
Dawid Minnaar
Dolf Groenewald
Wilson Dunster
Sid Keyser
Marcell Schoeman
Frans Roodt
Elize Cawood
Martha Haasbroek
Shirley Ellis
Hester Gouws
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