Life Is Beautiful
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is an American animated series based on the Sega video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. It was first broadcast in September 1993. It follows the adventures of the titular character Sonic the Hedgehog, and his sidekick Tails, as they attempt to stop Dr. Robotnik and his array of robots from taking over the planet Mobius. Another series featuring Sonic, simply titled Sonic the Hedgehog, was aired concurrently. Unlike the other series, Adventures had a light-hearted tone and quirky storylines that portrayed Sonic as being skilled and clever, whereas Robotnik and his robot allies Scratch and Grounder were clumsy.
Jaleel White
Sonic the Hedgehog (voice)
Ian James Corlett
Coconuts / Wallace A. Ditso (voice)
Christopher Evan Welch
Miles "Tails" Prower (voice)
Long John Baldry
Dr. Ivo Robotnik (voice)
Garry Chalk
Grounder / Captain Rescue (voice)
Phil Hayes
Scratch / Sergeant Doberman (voice)
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