Angela Anaconda is a Canadian cutout animation television series that aired on the channels Teletoon in Canada and Fox Family in the United States. It centers on the adventures of an eight-year-old girl named Angela who lives in the fictional town of Tapwater Springs, has wacky brothers, weird friends, and hates a snobbish faux-French girl named Nanette Manoir. Angela Anaconda began as a short skit on the Nickelodeon show Kablam!. It later became a series and aired on Fox Family from 1999 to 2002. Each episode consisted of two 11-minute stories. In 2001, when Disney bought Fox Family and changed the network's name to ABC Family, Angela was moved and canceled after two months. Reruns returned to Nickelodeon in 2004 only to be removed about a month later. The show was created by Joanna Ferrone and Sue Rose, who also voices Angela. Sue Rose created the cartoon character Fido Dido as well as Disney's Pepper Ann and Nickelodeon's Unfabulous. The show was produced by DHX Media and C.O.R.E. Digital Pictures. It premiered on Cartoon Network in the UK, and also aired there on PopGirl; it also aired on POP TV in Slovenia and ABC1 and ABC2 in Australia. The show features a very distinct art style of Clip Art Animation, reminiscent of Terry Gilliam's animation from Monty Python's Flying Circus, in which all the characters are made out of cutouts of black-and-white photographs. They would have different models come in and take about 30 or more pictures for each mouth movement and use different face models for the main characters.
Bryn McAuley
Gina Lash
Jonathan Malen
Ray Wu
Rob Tinkler
Onkel Nicky
Kevin Duhaney
Jimmy Jamal
Annick Obonsawin
Karlene Trainor
Edward Glen
Gordy Rhinehart
Richard Binsley
Mrs. Brinks
Al Mukaddam
Johnny Abatti
Ruby Smith-Merovitz
Nanette Manoir
Sue Rose
Angela Anaconda
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