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01 Feb 2001
26 min
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Los Luchadores is a Canadian-American live-action children's television series that played as part of the Fox Kids programming block in 2001 produced by Saban Entertainment and Shavick Entertainment. The series was about a group of lucha libre wrestlers led by Lobo Fuerte who, along with Turbine and Maria Valentine, fought villains such as the Whelp, the pet Chihuahua of a mad scientist who eventually becomes an evil genius through a freak accident. The series title is translated as "The Wrestlers" or "The Fighters" from Spanish. Los Luchadores were the defenders of Union City. It was their job to protect Union City from a slew of different enemies and the bumbling antics of Mayor Potts who truly meant to do only good for Union City, things just seemed to always take a turn for the worse.

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