Suppli is a manga series by Mari Okazaki. It is published by Shodensha, and has been running in the magazine Feel Young since 2004. It ended its serialisation in the December 2009 issue, and a sidestory to Suppli also ran in the magazine. It has been collected in seven volumes so far, and was published in English by Tokyopop who released five volumes in English. Suppli was adapted into a Japanese drama series which aired in Japan on Fuji TV in summer 2006. It stars Misaki Itō, Kazuya Kamenashi, Eita, and Miho Shiraishi. Minami is a 27-year-old female office worker in an advertisement agency. Though she has a boyfriend, she spends the majority of her time working and appears to feel ambivalent about the relationship at best. When the boyfriend finally breaks up with her, it's the push she needs to start a social life with her co-workers. In-office romances soon follow. Much of the story is told through Minami's thoughts, which are full of self-doubt.
Miho Shiraishi
Yoko Yugi
Mirai Shida
Natsuki Konno
Kazuya Kamenashi
Yuya Ishida
Eita Nagayama
Satoshi Ogiwara
Misaki Itō
Minami Fuji
Reina Asami
Yuri Watanabe
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