The story centers on Kana Nakamichi, a middle-school girl who had already lost her parents and just recently lost her only remaining relative, her grandmother. As a result, she ends up living and working at a newspaper delivery office. Everyone else living at the office are all charming, self-assertive bishōjo. The show follows Kana’s daily life in the fast-paced yet joyous environment.
Rie Kugimiya
Mika Kujiin (voice)
Eri Kitamura
Hinata Azuma (voice)
Aya Endo
Yuuki Minami (voice)
Yui Horie
Haruka Nishida (voice)
Aki Toyosaki
Kana Nakamachi (voice)
Ryo Hirohashi
Yume Kitaoka (voice)
Kaoru Mizuhara
Saki Amano (voice)
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