In the Spring of 2011, five young College Students began the pledge process for a prestigious African-American Fraternity. A Graduate Film Student and fraternity member captured their journey on video as part of an academic documentary that was never meant to be shared outside of the fraternity. Weeks into the process, an early morning 911 call led Police to a high school football field, where they discovered the body of one of the Pledges. Months later, the damning footage from video cameras, cell phones and campus security cameras found its way to Director Rev. jeff obafemi carr, who amalgamated it into the explosive movie titled He Ain't Heavy.
Stephanie Cathey
911 Operator
Kenetha Carr
Kay Hayes
Don Daniels
Brother Iron Man
Tevon Plunkett
Big Brother Sandman
Jeffery Lipscomb
Brother Prez
Jeff Obafemi Carr
Doc Hayes
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