ATHENA (アテナ) is a live action drama series based on Athena: Awakening from the Ordinary Life game originally broadcasted from April 7, 1998 to June 30, 1998 on TV Tokyo.[1] The series was starred Kei Ishibashi as Athena. A VHS collection including unreleased scenes was released in 6 volumes on Japan. The opening theme Lavender Dream (ラベンダドリーム), is performed by Yuki Ishii.
Yosuke Kubozuka
Hiroki Osawa
Kei Ishibashi
Athena Asamiya
Mitsuho Ôtani
Rika Yabe
Masao Matsuo
Naomi Shiomi
Taro Asamiya
Shirizu Kiriko
Kyoko Asamiya
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