The story revolves around the hatred between two step sisters, Nadya & Irina, who are in love with the same man, Igor. Blinded by jealousy and hatred towards Nadya, Irina frames her in a murder and separates her from Igor. However, Nadya returns to expose Irina and win back her love and respect.
Oksana Stashenko
Nora Mikhailovna
Larysa Rusnak
Lyudmila Shevchenko
Viktoriia Lytvynenko
Polina Panin
Ekaterina Tyshkevich
Irina Belous
Rymma Zyubina
Vira Ivanivna
Aleksandr Zadnaprovsky
Anatoly Panin
Rimma Zyubin
Vira Ivanivna
Alexander Davydov
Oleg Gorsky
Sofiia Pisman
Natalia Kalatay
Natalia Kalatay
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