The Titan's Bride
Koichi, a student about to graduate, is summoned to a world of Titans. It's the land of Tildant, where the prince, Caius, appears in front of Koichi and says, "I want you to be my bride and give birth to my baby!"
Yuki Ono
Caius Lao Bistail (voice)
Yuki Ono
Caius Lao Bistail (voice)
Masatomo Nakazawa
Baro Barows (voice)
Masatomo Nakazawa
Baro Barows (voice)
Noriko Fujimoto
Medina Nall Rosas (voice)
Noriko Fujimoto
Medina Nall Rosas (voice)
Yusuke Shirai
Beri Berinal (voice)
Yusuke Shirai
Beri Berinal (voice)
Kent Ito
Kōichi Mizuki (voice)
Kent Ito
Kōichi Mizuki (voice)
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