The story revolves around 20-year-old Makoto, who frequently gets involved in highly dangerous situations, usually against his own judgment. Along for the ride are his best buddies Shun, Masa, and Takashi, the enigmatic leader of a local gang in Ikebukuro.
Kensho Ono
Kuro (voice)
Kensho Ono
Kuro (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Reiichiro Yokoyama (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Reiichiro Yokoyama (voice)
Kenjiro Tsuda
Shadow (voice)
Kenjiro Tsuda
Shadow (voice)
Natsuki Hanae
Isogai (voice)
Natsuki Hanae
Isogai (voice)
Koki Uchiyama
Takashi Ando (voice)
Koki Uchiyama
Takashi Ando (voice)
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