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I Ride

12 May 2011
83 min
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Since “The Wild One” in the 1950s the world has been fascinated with the mythic culture of the American biker. Who are these people with the loud motorcycles, leather jackets, tattoos, and long beards? Where are they going as they roar through town in large packs? And what do they do when they arrive wherever they’re going? I RIDE is the film that finally tells the true-to-life story of the biker community in America. Through the eyes and music of The Fryed Brothers Band, I RIDE will take you on an illuminating road trip through the biker world: bare knuckle fights you actually sign up for, wild bar-b-ques and camp outs, and partying raw and rowdy at some of the biggest hard core biker festivals. This trip will wind up at Sturgis, South Dakota for a Fryed Brother Band performance to end all performances.



Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson

Sonny Barger

Sonny Barger

Harry Fryed

Harry Fryed

Tommy Fryed

Tommy Fryed

Doug McDowell

Doug McDowell

Charlie Brechtel

Charlie Brechtel

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Steve "Beatnik" Werner

Steve "Beatnik" Werner

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Gerry Fryed

Gerry Fryed

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Marky Fryed

Marky Fryed

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Dave Nichols

Dave Nichols

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