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Feeling My Way

01 Jan 1997
6 min
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What goes around comes around: the daily cycle of home-work-home illuminated in collage, Hi-8 and paint. Layered and luminous with in-sight. An account of a journey from home to work as seen through the filter of the conscious and subconscious mind. Through the use of moving collages and painterly animation laid over Hi-8 footage, the viewer is able to share the traveller’s experiences and his mental reactions to the trials and triviality of urban existence. An animated account of a two mile journey made from home to work on foot. Hi-8 video footage digitized and printed out using an inkjet printer is combined with drawings, text and paint. A subjective representation of how visual information is filtered and processed by the conscious and subconscious mind. We share the traveller’s experiences: his idle thoughts and repetitive neuroses and see his mental reactions to the trials and triviality of daily life.

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