Tiny Robots
In the distant future, Earth is no longer inhabited by humans to be the home of the robots. But like us, these robots had many, many tasks and obligations. Trank, a model of good old fashioned robots, living in the city of New Iron. But when the leader of the city comes up with a terrible plan to dominate the planet, precisely Trank is the only robot able to resist. Filled with humor, wit and new friends, the young hero faces obstacles unbelievable as the desert of Amazonia, Forest Electric and powerful machines to make it to the biggest challenge of all: the leader himself.
Francisco Freitas
Tron2B (voice)
Raul Schlosser
Nev1 (voice) / Constructor (voice)
Claudio Satiro
Loud Speaker (voice)
Sidney Cesar
Soldiers (voice)
Marcio Scharrenbroic
Leader (voice) / Narrator
Douglas Guedes
Trank (voice)
Wallace Costa
Colega Trank (voice)
José Soares
Grandfather (voice)
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