Eye Music
In a southern Mexico village, young deaf students are taking on an unusual challenge: to make a movie out of their dreams. While Eric and his friends watch films and discuss ideas, their dreams begin to work their way into the documentary itself. Both a study of the students lives and the basic visual language of film
Carolina Ramírez
Marco Rubio
El Diablo
Naomy Romo
Mujer Robot/Margarita
Deyanira Luis López
Niña en sueño de Miriam
Nadia Maril López Cortez
Niña en sueño de Miriam
Eladimir Luis López
Niño en sueño de Miriam
Esaú Tolsa
Superhéroe manga
Yessika Ugalde
Sirena Robusta
Arnulfo Reyes
Papá de Erik
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