While Gunbuster’s final mission destroyed the space monsters’ star system, the intergalactic war still continues. Earth’s only hope lies in the hands of TOPLESS, an elite mecha group of children possessing supernatural powers and new Buster machines. Among their ranks is a rookie named Nono and the ace pilot Raruku — whom Nono looks at as a “big sister”. Together with their teammates Nicola and Chiko, they must do their very best to protect all of mankind from the wrath of the space monsters.
Sanae Kobayashi
Piaget Serpentine
Yuhko Kaida
Roo Soon
Maaya Sakamoto
Lal'C Mellk Mal
Miyuki Sawashiro
Tycho Science
Nozomu Sasaki
Gouya Reicy
Mitsuo Iwata
Nicholas Vacheron
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