We are at the end of World War II, when the German High Command will attempt once more to the föltartóztassa advancing Soviet troops. Five Hungarian soldiers - a sergeant and four privates - the only hope for survival, as most of the Hungarian soldiers. Unfortunate circumstances, receive a stamp, which is open to forging orders. Small villages are trying to get through the war. The school but only as long calming neutral way, but does not bring up the first decision-making situation. Heroes is a wary, wily judge at the request of law enforcement task undertaken, and will have a significant role in the tragic death of two prisoners. The overheated historical moments working poor reflexes, and either one can form unexpectedly from the sky plane, or a lot of people who can not reconcile the last efforts of the events turned inside out.
Anna Nagy
Mariska néni
József Madaras
Péter Andorai
Zoltán Seress
Jan Nowicki
Jeleky Barna
Anna Cs. Nagy
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