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The Poor Musician

23 Feb 1909
15 min

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Our story opens with a noted violinist practicing, his young wife sitting nearby, while their little daughter plays about on the floor, a truly happy family. The maid announces a caller, who, upon being ushered in, is presented to the wife. He is at once struck with her beauty, eyes her continually, but unnoticed by the musician or his wife. As the two men leave the room, for the first time the wife catches the expression on the caller's face and is worried. A year later in the same room we find the wife packing her suit case preparing to elope with the villain. Before their departure the wife writes a note telling her husband of her elopement and begs him to forget her. A moment after the pair leave the room the valet enters, observes them from the window, picks up the note, reads it and immediately starts for the theater to inform his master. He rushes upon the stage just as the musician is finishing his number, excitedly tells the tale and gives him the letter.

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