Miss Litoral
Nea Costel and her consort, Didona, want their daughter, Tina, to participate in the Miss Litoral beauty contest. But Tina is in love with a shy and jealous boy who does not see in Tina a beauty of the kind that appears on the covers of magazines and wants to keep her only for himself.
Vasile Muraru
polițistul rutier
Mitică Popescu
Rudeanu, tatăl Lornei
Jean Constantin
Nea Mielu, căpitan de cursă lungă
Mihai Dinvale
Dr. A. Culea
Nicolae Radu
Anca Țurcașiu
Tina Chitic, fiica lui Costel și a Didonei
Horațiu Mălăele
maestrul Mugurel, președintele juriului
Marius Gâlea
Carmen Trocan
Lorna Rudeanu
Matei Alexandru
dl. Goldspitz
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