As the debate between Evolution and Creationism rages, 'Evolution: The Musical!' invites you to enter a world where both theories are true. In this musical tour-de-funk, we meet The Beasties, a clan of humans who have recently evolved from primates, and The Blesseds, a self-righteous religious sect who descended directly from Adam and Eve. When a brutal slaying provokes the Beasties to attack the Blesseds, all hell breaks loose and an unlikely romance throws a monkey wrench into the whole musical mess.
Tonya Glanz
Mary Catheter
Andrew Bancroft
Wog Wog
Shaye Troha
Mother Grizzard
Paco Romane
Sean Hayes
Jesus H. Christ
Joe Higgins
Charles H. Darwin
Melanie Case
Queen Bonobo
Jon Wolanske
Father Catheter
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