Anime Talk Show (also known as Adult Swim Brain Trust) is an animated television special that aired on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim, on November 4, 2004. Anime Talk Show revolved around the unofficial pilot for Squidbillies, however many people consider it the very last episode of Space Ghost, as it follows exactly the same format of the show, with Space Ghost interviewing guests. The short was dubbed "Anime Talk Show" due to it following the premiere of Perfect Hair Forever, which aired in place of what was supposed to have been the premiere of Squidbillies.
George Lowe
Space Ghost (voice)
Dave Willis
Meatwad (voice)
Matt Thompson
Sharko (voice)
Matt Harrigan
Barry (voice)
Matt Maiellaro
Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future (voice)
Unknown Hinson
Early Cuyler (voice)
Pete Smith
Kevin (voice)
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