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21 Sep 1911
10 min

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Annie Jackson, living with her uncle, Horace Gregory, an old fisherman on Val Dez Island, is injured by an automobile. John Kingdon, who happens by, takes her in his machine to the hospital. There he learns to love her, but his advances are not wanted by her uncle, for his choice for his niece's hand is John Runyon. So when Annie returns to her home, and is told to marry Runyon, she refuses. In the meantime, Kingdon leaves for Honolulu. The vessel is wrecked. Kingdon, cast into the sea, clings half exhausted to a spar. By a trick of Fate, the wreck occurs on the rocks of Val Dez Island, and Annie sees the spar, rows out and succeeds in dragging it to shore, where Kingdon is recognized. The young people declare their love for each other, but Runyon plans to get Kingdon out of his way. The "best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglee," and so Kingdon escapes the trap laid for him, and taking Annie with him to the mainland, they get married.




Al Ernest Garcia

Pierre Binbeau

Anna Dodge

Mrs. Gregory

Tom Santschi

Joe Runyon

Sydney Ayres

John Kingdon

Betty Harte

Annie Jackson

Frank Richardson

Captain Gregory

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Captain Vasquez

Pedro Lopez

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Elaine Davis

The Nurse

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