Ichijo's Wet Lust
Ichijo Sayuri, once the legendary queen of Osaka strippers, has retired to run a sushi shop. She is awaiting her day in court after having been arrested for indecency at her farewell performance. While she was active, she was both the rival and the model for many young strippers. Harumi was one of them. Ichijo Sayuri was the real-life queen of Osaka strippers who was arrested on her final performance. While claiming it was a fictional account, the film still sells itself as “documentary porno” as it deftly mixes shots of Sayuri’s post-retirement life with the fictional account of the ambitious stripper Harumi. Harumi’s striptease in front of the police station is, perhaps more than anything else, a symbol of the rebellious attitude towards the authority of Nikkatsu.“Roman Porno” itself was continually hounded by police censors.
Hiroko Isayama
Akira Takahashi
Kazuko Shirakawa
Gō Awazu
Sayuri Ichijo
Moeko Ezawa
Police Woman
Shoichi Ozawa
Noodle restaurant's owner
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