Against the Wall
Against the Wall is an American police drama television series created by Annie Brunner. The series starred Rachael Carpani as Abby Kowalski, a police detective who recently joined the Internal Affairs division of the Chicago Police Department. The series was broadcast in the United States on the cable channel Lifetime, and is a production of Universal Cable Productions. It premiered on July 31, 2011, following Drop Dead Diva. Lifetime opted not to renew the show for a second season.
Mayko Nguyen
Mackie Phan
Andrew W. Walker
John Brody
Treat Williams
Don Kowalski
Kathy Baker
Sheila Kowalski
Marisa Ramirez
Lina Flores
Brandon Quinn
Richie Kowalski
Rachael Carpani
Abby Kowalski
Chris Johnson
Danny Mitchell
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