Monster Hunter
Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX is an animated television series created by Leiji Matsumoto. It's the sequel to the 1982 animated film Arcadia of My Youth. However, like many of the stories set in the Leijiverse, the continuity of the series does not necessarily agree with other Harlock series or films. The series premiered just as the Gundam craze began in Japan. Mobile Suit Gundam ushered in a new era of more realistic Sci-Fi anime that made the fantasy and melodrama of Captain Harlock seem outdated. Therefore, the series suffered low viewer ratings and was ended after 22 episodes - half of what was originally planned.
Joji Yanami
Dr. Ban (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru
Rebi (voice)
François Leccia
Albator (voix VF)
Hiroshi Ôtake
Tori-san (voice)
Kei Tomiyama
Tochirō Ōyama (voice)
Yoko Asagami
Kei Yûki (voice)
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