Tito is a 2010 Croatian documentary television miniseries about Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito. The first episode aired March 19, 2010. The series is a co-production by Croatian Radiotelevision and Mediteran film. The two first collaborated on the series Long Dark Night, which at a top audience of 1.8 million viewers was one of the most-watched domestic productions in history. After the announcement of the documentary, Broz's granddaughter Saša announced that she and her family would use all means possible to obstruct filming. Tito cost a reported 1 million euros to make.
Goran Višnjić
Andrija Hebrang
Goran Navojec
Marshall Tolbukhin
Suzana Nikolić
Tito's mother
Tarik Filipović
One of tito's doctors
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