Set during the post-Marcos regime in a remote village of Dolores, chronicles the life of Jimmy Cordero, a political prisoner who have just been freed from prison after the decline of the Marcos dictatorship. From his revolutionary past, he got himself into human rights activism following his prison release. He and his wife’s brother once conducted a fact-finding mission to Dolores only to find out the terror brought about to its residents by the Orapronobis, a government backed anti-communist paramilitary troop deployed in the town of Dolores.
Joel Lamangan
Colonel Mateo
Bembol Roco
Major Kontra
Gina Alajar
Bon Vibar
TV Newscaster 1 (as Ben Vibarr)
Raquel Villavicencio
TV Newscaster 2
Phillip Salvador
Jimmy Cordero
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