The Imitation Game
Yozakura Quartet is a Japanese manga created by Suzuhito Yasuda that began publishing by Kodansha in 2006, and was then published in the US by Del Rey in 2008. The series was animated in Japan and aired from October 2 to December 18, 2008; it comprises 12 episodes, all of which have aired. The anime was produced by Nomad and aired on TBS on Thursdays. Three anime OVAs were released alongside volmunes 9-11 of the manga, between October 10, 2010 to November 9, 2011. A new anime adaptation of the series was announced in April 2013, with the cast returning from the first anime and OVAs, but it will be produced at Tatsunoko Production to be aired in Fall 2013. Yozakura Quartet is Suzuhito Yasuda's first manga. Before the creation of Yozakura Quartet, he was an illustrator. He drew the original character designs for Yoshikazu Kuwashima's series Kamisama Kazoku and Ryohgo Narita's Durarara!!.
Yuki Kaji
Akina Hiizumi
Tomokazu Seki
Enjin Hiizumi
Tomokazu Seki
Gin Nanami
Ayahi Takagaki
Mina Tatebayashi
Daisuke Ono
Kyōsuke Kishi
Rie Tanaka
Miyuki Sawashiro
Kotoha Isone
Misato Fukuen
Hime Yarizakura
Sachi Matsumoto
Yūhi Shinatsuhiko
Natsuko Kuwatani
Yae Shinatsuhiko
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