The series tells the story of DI Kari Sorjonen of the Serious Crime Unit in Lappeenranta, his family, and his investigations into a variety of harrowing homicides around the border area.
Anu Sinisalo
Lena Jaakkola
Matleena Kuusniemi
Pauliina Sorjonen
Kristiina Halttu
Taina Henttunen
Ville Virtanen
Kari Sorjonen
Lenita Susi
Katia Jaakkola
Max Bremer
HP Lund
Olivia Ainali
Janina Sorjonen
Janne Virtanen
Robert Degerman
Jasmin Hamid
Jenna 'Jänis' Luhta
Matti Laine
Risto Susi-Huhtala
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