Legacy is Filipino drama series created by Dode Cruz, written by Denoy Navarro-Punio, under the directions of Jay Altarejos and Andoy Ranay, and produced and aired by GMA Network. The series premiered on January 16, 2012, replacing the epic series Amaya on GMA Telebabad block and January 18, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series features a star-studded cast headed by actresses Heart Evangelista, Lovi Poe and Alessandra de Rossi as the major characters of the story. With them are Sid Lucero, Geoff Eigenmann and Mike Tan as the leading men. This series is set mostly on the fictional beauty company called Legacy Corporation where the three main characters are vying to be the sole heiress of the said company. Also big part of the series are veteran actors Eddie Garcia who plays the role of Don Romualdo Alcantara, the patriarch, founder and president of the Legacy Corporation; and Cherie Gil as the main antagonist. The series concluded on June 1, 2012. It ran for 20 weeks, with 98 episodes all in all. It replaced by Makapiling Kang Muli on its timeslot.
Sid Lucero
Iñigo Salcedo
Liza Lorena
Sofia Altamirano
Heart Evangelista
Diana Calcetas
Lovi Poe
Natasha Alcantara
Alessandra de Rossi
Bernadette Leviste
Eddie Garcia
Romualdo Alcantara
Mark Bautista
Ryza Cenon
Maritoni Fernandez
Anna Marie Leviste
Jackie Lou Blanco
Isabel Calcetas-Aragon
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