In Weedwolf, the outrageous residents of small-town Normal, Texas, find their partying ways threatened by a mysterious werewolf who likes to eat stoners. All that stands in the way of total mayhem (or maybe the casue of it) is Grass County Sheriff Hardwood, his "gifted" man-scout son, Bumper, and his "illegal" deputy, Rodriguez. They'll find some help from Mary Jane, and her Uncle Junebug, the drunken talk show host and his nympho co-anchor, Indian wanna-be hippies, a survivalists, hot lesiban lovers, and the one-and-only "Willie", and even a sasquatch.
Randy Barak
Reciever / Haunted House Sheriff
Cersti Alfaro
Gangsta Girl
Kaitlyn Colunga
Mary Jane
Steven Galvan
Sarah Kate Allsup
The Scientist
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