Leo, a former convict, is living in seclusion on an island with his step-daughter, the daughter of his late wife. Leo was framed by a group of former business associates, and he also suspects that one of them killed his wife. He has invited the group to his island, tempting them by hinting about a hidden fortune, and he has installed a number of traps and secret passages in his home. He is aided in his efforts by a former cell-mate who holds a grudge against the same persons. When everyone arrives, the atmosphere of mutual suspicion and the thick fog that covers the island promise a tense and hazardous weekend for everyone.
Ian Keith
Dr. Lake
Jerome Cowan
George Zucco
Leo Grainer
Sharon Douglas
Lionel Atwill
Alec Ritchfield
John Whitney
Veda Ann Borg
George Lloyd
Allerton (Butler)
Jacqueline deWit
Emiline Bronson (as Jacqueline DeWit)
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