This ninth installment in the classic horror series offers up a trio of spine-chillers from the Philippines. In Christmas Tree, a rampaging Christmas tree is out for blood as it terrorizes a family during the holidays; next, in Bangungot, three people in a love triangle find themselves ensnared in a supernatural nightmare. Finally, a teenage Goth band is cursed by a temptress's lethal spell in Engkanto.
Barbie Forteza
Young Marionne (segment "Bangungot")
Eugene Domingo
Woman (segment "Bangungot")
Katrina Halili
Engkanto (segment "Engkanto")
John Lapus
Sanny (segment "Christmas Tree")
Gina Alajar
Myrna (segment "Christmas Tree")
Dennis Trillo
Jerome (segment "Bangungot")
Felix Roco
Ian (segment "Engkanto")
Lovi Poe
Hazel (segment "Christmas Tree")
Roxanne Guinoo
Marionne (segment "Bangungot")
John Prats
Jong (segment "Christmas Tree")
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