The Imitation Game
"Cosmic Quantum Ray" is a zany comedy-action-adventure series that brings the strange corners of the universe to the world of Earth teenager Robbie Shipton. Robbie represents Earth as a member of Team Quantum - an elite, eccentric team of heroes that saves the Universe almost every day, and hopefully in time for Robbie to get to his third-period Science class!
Tom Kenny
Quantum Ray (voice)
Sam Vincent
Robbie Shipton / Justin (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Atee / Geecey (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Atee / Geecey (voice)
Matt Hill
Scott Stotz (voice)
Doron Bell
Lucas (voice)
Doron Bell
Lucas (voice)
Ashleigh Ball
Allison (voice)
Ashleigh Ball
Allison (voice)
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