Para Volver a Amar is a Televisa telenovela that aired on the Canal de las Estrellas channel in Mexico from July 12, 2010 to January 30, 2011. It stars Rebecca Jones, Rene Strickler, Alejandro Camacho, Alejandra Barros, and Africa Zavala. The Mexican version however is taken from the original Colombian soap opera series "El Último Matrimonio Feliz". The story is about six women who befriend each other and help each other deal with the pains of life, particularly in regards to marriage and relationships. They'll realize that even amidst their problems, happiness is not impossible to attain. It won seven Premios TVyNovelas awards for Best Telenovela of the Year, Best Male Villain, Best First Actress, Best First Actor, Best Co-Star Actress, Best Co-Star Actor, and Best Young Lead Actor. Para Volver a Amar aired in the United States on Univision from March 8, 2011 to October 28, 2011 at 12am/11pm central.
Alfonso Dosal
Sebastián Longoria Andrade
Alejandra Barros
Bárbara Mantilla
Magda Guzmán
Doña Conchita
Danny Perea
Nailea Norvind
Valeria Andrade
Jesús Ochoa
Rolando Salgar "El Cachetes"
René Strickler
Patricio González
Alejandro Camacho
Braulio Longoria
Flavio Medina
David Magaña
África Zavala
Yorley Quiroga
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