Drama - In this crime story, lawyer Bhavna (Rati Agnihotri) and her ex-lover, police officer Ravi (Shashi Kapoor), go after the local mafia. When Bhavna's son is kidnapped, the only person she can turn to for help is Bajrang (Mithun Chakraborty), a mafia kingpin's son who knows her secret. The stakes grow even higher when Ravi is ordered to arrest Bajrang. Kader Khan, Madan Puri and Poonam Dhillon co-star. - Shashi Kapoor, Mithun Chakraborty, Poonam Dhillon
Mithun Chakraborty
Bajrang aka Babua
Kader Khan
Dayashankar "Daddu"
Shashi Kapoor
Inspector Ravi Malhotra
Kanwarjeet Paintal
Dasbihari Brahmachari
Rati Agnihotri
Advocate Bhavna Bharadwaj
Sharat Saxena
Ujagar Singh
Suresh Oberoi
Akbar Lala
Madan Puri
Advocate Devilal
Guddi Maruti
Customer in the restaurant
Poonam Dhillon
Radha Malhotra
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