Hero High was a cartoon and live action series created by Filmation that aired as part of NBC's The Kid Super Power Hour with Shazam! It was about a high school where young superheroes were taught how to use their powers and fight crime. Originally intended to be a new entry in Filmation's long-running line of Archie cartoon series, the 1981 series was altered at the last minute because the company's rights to the "Archie" characters had expired; nevertheless, one can easily tell which was originally the Archie character, the Reggie character, et cetera.
Lou Scheimer
A.W.O.L. (voice)
Rebecca Perle
Glorious Gal (voice)
Maylo McCaslin
Dirty Trixie (voice)
Erika Scheimer
Brat-Man (voice)
Jim Greenleaf
Weatherman (voice)
Christopher Hensel
Captain California (voice)
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