The Addams Family
Maeterlinck's Blue Bird: Tyltyl and Mytyl's Adventurous Journey is a 1980 Japanese animated television series directed by Hiroshi Sasagawa, with character designs from Leiji Matsumoto. It is based on the play by Maurice Maeterlinck. The series was 26-episodes long when aired on Japanese television. An Office Academy production in association with Toei Animation, the series was produced by Yoshinobu Nishizaki and used many of the staff from Nishizaki's earlier Space Battleship Yamato.
Toru Furuya
Masako Nozawa
Spirit of the Milk
Kenichi Ogata
Spirit of the Water
Yoko Asagami
Spirit of the Water
Hiroshi Ôtake
Spirit of the Water
Mami Koyama
Mari Okamoto
Spirit of the Light
Koji Yada
Spirit of the Time
Toshio Furukawa
Spirit of the Bread
Ichiro Nagai
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