Emergency! is an American television series that combines the medical drama and action-adventure genres. It was produced by Mark VII Limited and distributed by Universal Studios. It debuted as a midseason replacement on January 15, 1972, on NBC, replacing the two short-lived series The Partners and The Good Life, and ran until May 28, 1977, with six additional two-hour television films during the following two years. Emergency! was created and produced by Jack Webb and Robert A. Cinader, both of whom were also responsible for the police dramas Adam-12 and Dragnet.
Tim Donnelly
Chet Kelly
Bobby Troup
Joe Early
Kevin Tighe
Roy DeSoto
Robert Fuller
Kelly Brackett
Randolph Mantooth
John Gage
Julie London
Dixie McCall
Vince Howard
Police Officer Vince
Ron Pinkard
Dr. Morton
Michael Norell
Captain Hank Stanley
Marco López
Fireman Marco Lopez
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