Oban Star-Racers
Ōban Star-Racers is a French/Japanese anime created by Savin Yeatman-Eiffel of Sav. Originally produced as a short movie titled Molly Star Racer, a television series was developed in cooperation with Jetix Europe, with animation production by HAL Film Maker and Pumpkin 3D. It aired in more than 100 countries including Japan. In the US the series aired on ABC Family and Jetix/Toon Disney between June and December 2006.
Sam Vincent
Jordan Wilde (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Molly / Eva Wei (voice)
Brian Drummond
Satis (voice)
Alessandro Juliani
Koji (voice)
Kirby Morrow
Książe Aikka (voice)
Michael Dobson
Rick Thunderbolt (voice)
Ron Halder
Don Wei (voice)
Dexter Bell
Stan (voice)
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