Tokyo Pig
Tokyo Pig, known in Japan as Hare Tokidoki Buta, is a Japanese anime television series. The anime was based on a book titled Fair, then Partly Piggy, written by Shiro Yadama and translated into English by Keith Holeman. Tokyo Pig is about a young boy and the adventures he has with his magic diary where anything he draws will come to life. In the first episode, "When Pigs Fly," he draws hundreds of flying pigs. As he experiences his first drawing coming to life, he tries to erase them all before his parents catch him. In his haste however, he misses one pig which becomes his pet, Sunny Pig. When brought to the United States, it was renamed Tokyo Pig. It was also translated into Chinese and Tagalog. It first aired in July, 1997 in Japan on TV Tokyo, later in September, 2002 in the United States on ABC Family, and eventually on Cartoon Network Korea in June 2013. It was originally directed by Shinichi Watanabe and starred Koichi Yamadera as Yori-chan. The series ran for 61 episodes until October 1998.
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