The Wallflower is a manga series written by Tomoko Hayakawa. The individual chapters have been serialized in Bessatsu Friend since its premiere in 2000, and in 31 tankōbon volumes in Japan by Kodansha. The series was licensed for an English language release in North America by Del Rey Manga and in Singapore by Chuang Yi, under the name My Fair Lady. Nippon Animation adapted part of the manga series into a twenty-five episode anime series which aired on TV Tokyo and TV Aichi from October 3, 2006 through March 27, 2007. The anime adaptation has been licensed for Region 1 release by A.D. Vision, who paid $500,000. In 2008, The WallFlower became one of over 30 ADV titles whose North American rights were transferred to Funimation Entertainment.
Mai Nakahara
Noi Kasahara
Showtaro Morikubo
Kyohei Takano
Tomokazu Sugita
Takenaga Oda
Hirofumi Nojima
Ranmaru Morii
Norihisa Mori
Hiromi Konno
Kimiko Koyama
Yukiko Takaguchi
Sunako Nakahara
Yuuya Yamauchi
Yukinojoh Tohyama
Yuka Komatsu
Mine Nakahara
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