Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Sonic Underground is an animated series that follows the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and his siblings, Sonia and Manic. The cartoon follows a main plot separate from all other Sonic the Hedgehog media. The series ran for two seasons, each of twenty episodes. As of June 11, 2012 re-runs of the series began airing on Disney XD.
Jaleel White
Sonic the Hedgehog / Manic / Sonia / Aman-Rapi (voice)
Maurice LaMarche
Sleet / Oracle of Delphius / Swatbots / Uncle Chuck / Yellow Floaty Thing / Bidding Lion / Ifyoucan / Hotep / Luke Periwinkle / Athair (voice)
Ian James Corlett
Cyrus (voice)
Garry Chalk
Dr. Robotnik / Moby Deep / Abdul / Vince / Tax Payer / Royal Chef / Derobotisizer Subject (voice)
Peter Wilds
Dingo (voice)
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