The cyber crime investigation division at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department finds a video on website "YOURTUBE." In the video, a man covered by a newspaper, warns that a fire will be set at a food processing company. More crime notices are soon found involving violent crimes. Geitsu is the main guy behind the group "Shinbunshi," which has posted the videos. He used to work as a temporary employee at an IT company, but was unfairly dismissed. He then begins doing manual labor work and meets the other members of "Shinbushi."
Kentaro Sakaguchi
Manabu Ichikawa
Erika Toda
Erika Yoshino
Nana Komatsu
Kei Tanaka
Ryohei Suzuki
Kansai / Tomohiko Kasai
Yoshihiko Hosoda
Fumiyo Kohinata
Tadashi Shitaragi
Yoshiyoshi Arakawa
Metabo / Shinichi Terahara
Masataka Kubota
Yuichi Aoyama
Toma Ikuta
Geitsu / Hiroaki Okuda
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