Set one year after the fight between detectives Saya Toma, Takeru Sebumi, and Satoshi Chii. More confrontations ensues between the detectives at the Unidentified Crimes Unit of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Takeru Sebumi returns after taking a break due to his eye problems. Kenzo Ichiyanagi is appointed section chief, while Kotaro Nonomura is demoted. New member Shu Kikkawa joins the team.
Kasumi Arimura
Miyabi Masaki
Erika Toda
Saya Toma
Ryunosuke Kamiki
Juichi Ninomae
Kazuki Kitamura
Shu Kikkawa
Ryo Kase
Takeru Sebumi
Erina Mano
Hoshi Satori
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